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Self-nominations are now open for Chapter Chairs for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Chapter Chairs are the critical contract enforcer, communicator, and lead organizer for your worksite. All union victories — including 2023 wins to lower class, increase staffing, save healthcare, and increase salary by 21% — are built from having strong Chapter Chairs who drive organizing at their sites.

Any UTLA member in good standing who has spent a majority of their work time within the chapter for at least two calendar months before submitting the self-nomination form is eligible to become Chapter Chair. 

The deadline to self-nominate is April 26. Elections will be held at chapters where more than one member has self-nominated.  If only one member from a chapter self-nominates, they will become the Chapter Chair upon completion of the Notice of Chapter Chair Election form, which will be emailed to them after April 26.

The responsibilities of a UTLA Chapter Chair include:

  • Enforcing the educator rights in the UTLA contract at the worksite level through meetings with the principal, informal grievances, early stages of the formal grievance procedure, and collective action.
  • Helping colleagues reach a common understanding of the nature of a particular workplace issue.
  • Helping to articulate clear solutions that administration can implement to resolve an issue.
  • Uniting colleagues to take action to address workplace issues and to enforce the contract.
  • Helping colleagues connect to the broader issues represented by UTLA regional and citywide campaigns.
  • Engaging colleagues in UTLA contract campaigns, political campaigns, and community organizing.
  • Being the primary point person representing UTLA with administration at your worksite.
  • Helping to build UTLA through membership and PACE, the UTLA political action committee.

Chapter Chairs are supported in this critical work by a site-based organizing committee – the  Chapter Action Team, or CAT.