As educators, we have made significant progress in our last two contract campaigns, with major wins on salary, class size, and staffing coming after our historic 2019 and 2023 strikes. But it is not enough. Our schools are in desperate need of resources. Educators are in desperate need of support.Over the past three months, educators, parents, and community members have held hundreds of meetings to identify the most significant needs of our schools. Those discussions are the foundation of the UTLA Win Our Future platform, which includes demands around:
While LAUSD has the money to immediately address the urgent issues we are bringing forward, in the long term we need statewide solutions to public school funding and policy. United in the statewide We Can’t Wait campaign, UTLA and 10 of the largest educator unions in California are building statewide power for immediate contract victories AND long-term solutions to state funding needs.We, the elected leaders of UTLA, are committed to fight for this platform of contract demands and to coordinate our work statewide to build power through the We Can’t Wait campaign.We will work with our co-workers to organize the campaign of collective action that it will take to win. Join us!