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Georgia Flowers-Lee has been an educator with the Los Angeles Unified School District for 22 years.

Born in Belize, Georgia moved to New York with her family at age 13 and then to Los Angeles, where she attended LAUSD schools Berendo Junior High and North Hollywood High School.

Teaching is a second career for Georgia, who spent 12 years as an investigator with the California State Bar looking into cases of attorney misconduct.

Georgia’s career in education started as a substitute teacher. From the start, something clicked for her in the classroom and she found her passion working with special needs students. Her entire LAUSD career has been at one school — Saturn Elementary — with students on the Autism spectrum in preschool and primary classes.

Georgia was raised in a household where the struggle for social justice, racial justice, and equity was front and center. With her perspective coming from Belize, Georgia looks at the American system and knows that collective action is the only way to balance the scales in an unequal society. On day one, when Georgia signed her teaching contract, she also signed her UTLA membership card. 

Georgiai deepened her involvement with her union when the school’s chapter chair hand-picked her as her successor, going as far as filling out the Chapter Chair Election form and handing it to her. Georgia then moved on to UTLA cluster leader, steering committee, Board of Directors member, and West Area Chair before being elected UTLA NEA Vice President in 2023. 

Georgia is inspired daily by UTLA member solidarity and how we use our megaphone for people who don’t have a voice. She believes that UTLA’s greatest strength is our willingness to stand in the gap for the most vulnerable in our communities. She takes pride in the collective action — from the 2019 UTLA strike to the 2023 Solidarity strike — that has delivered significant wins for educators and the families we serve.