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UTLA membership does not automatically continue into retirement. You may join UTLA-R at the low cost of $2.38 per month, deducted from your STRS pension. Complete the UTLA-R and PACE application form to join
Join PACE Here
Contributing to the Political Action Council of Education (PACE) is a voice for retiree issues.
As retirees, elections continue to matter. We must support genuinely pro-education candidates who will fight for our pensions, benefits and values. In order to protect our benefits, we need to elect pro-teacher candidates at every level of government.
With a stronger PACE, our voice can be greatly amplified to defend our retirement pensions an our healthcare.
If you are already a UTLA-Retired Member, you can complete the PACE Commitment Card and return to the Membership Department.
Mailing Address:
UTLA Attn: Membership Department 3303 Wilshire Blvd., 12th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90010 Fax: (213) 637-5161 Email:
Our officers and other Steering Committee members are unpaid and elected by the membership to represent you. Their job is to act on your concerns on the will of the membership. They are dedicated to improving retiree health benefits, protecting and improving state benefits and promoting the welfare of UTLA retirees.
The UTLA-Retired (UTLA-R) committee serves as the representative body for those certificated employees of LAUSD who have retired.
Work with UTLA to improve the welfare of public education and retired teachers.
Secure for retired teachers their deserved status among America’s professionals.
Provide a vehicle for unified action in concert with other organizations to represent and monitor concerns of retired teachers.