10.14.22 Read Time: 1 min Dr. Rocio Rivas Is the Breath of Fresh Air We Need For too long our leaders have conspired to steal our power and hold on to their positions. We have had enough. Dr. Rocío Rivas represents the change that LAUSD and our city need. We deserve better than someone who will side with corporations and powerful billionaires trying to sell off our public schools. Dr. Rocío Rivas will fight for fully staffed schools, increased educator pay, smaller class sizes, and the Beyond Recovery policies we know will set up a bright future for public education. We can elect a champion for educators, students, and a vibrant public education system. Outsiders won’t be able to buy this election because we have the people. We are knocking on doors every weekend and the results we are seeing are so powerful. Voters are excited to talk to us and vote for Dr. Rocío Rivas. We have a real opportunity to change the direction of LAUSD with Dr. Rocío Rivas. Sign up to canvass today. Join Us Recent News See All Posts Thousands Hit School Sidewalks for Immigration Rights 05.02.25 California Educator Unions Announce Launch of ‘We Can’t Wait’ Statewide Campaign 05.02.25 Families and Students Demand Action Following Racist Attacks 17.01.25