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1.     Activate/establish your Local School Leadership Council (LSLC)

2.     Create a Professional Development Committee to support LSLC

  • PDs have to align with district goals and purposes.
  • Recommendations will need to be approved by the LSLC.
  • Appoint a CAT member to serve on this committee for ongoing feedback.

3.     Try to schedule professional development meetings a year in advance (39 Tuesdays)

  • This will prevent principals from arbitrarily changing PDs.
  • Once LSLC approves, these dates are binding and should be respected.
  • Allows for easier tracking of PD Tuesdays (click here for a fillable PDF tracking form)

4.     Ensure that PDs start on time and end on time

  • PDs that roll over the allotted time will count as a faculty meeting (use tracker included  to keep tabs on those meetings).

5.     The ILT (Instructional Leadership Team) is NOT an official decision-making body

  • ILT is an LAUSD committee with no contractual status. 
  • It is only authorized to make suggestions and recommendations.
  • The LSLC continues to be the official council of the school. 

6.     Current district bulletins and correspondence (IOC) are not mandates    

  • These documents are guidance for administrators to use accordingly.
  • Absent words like “mandates” and “directives,” they are only for discussion purposes.
  • When in doubt, ask for a written directive and the bulletin/memo they’re referencing.