02.10.23 Read Time: 1 min SEIU Strike Vote Ends February 10 After nearly two years at the bargaining table with LAUSD, SEIU Local 99 members declared impasse in December and will conclude voting for a strike authorization on February 10. If an agreement cannot be reached through the impasse procedures, which include mediation and a fact-finding hearing, then Local 99 will be able to legally go on strike. UTLA’s Board of Directors voted unanimously to support SEIU Local 99 if they go on strike and to encourage UTLA members to exercise their rights by not crossing the picket line if SEIU Local 99 ultimately goes on strike. SEIU has not yet set a strike date. UTLA leaders will stay in close communication with Local 99 leaders and provide additional updates. Member FAQ SEIU Local 99 members are vital to keeping our schools running and students ready to learn but, are among the lowest paid LAUSD employees. Thousands of Local 99 members joined our picket lines and rallies in a show of solidarity during our 2019 strike. We are fighting the same fight for the future of our public schools. Recent News See All Posts Thousands Hit School Sidewalks for Immigration Rights 05.02.25 California Educator Unions Announce Launch of ‘We Can’t Wait’ Statewide Campaign 05.02.25 Families and Students Demand Action Following Racist Attacks 17.01.25 Select Language English Español