03.15.23 Read Time: 2 min Solidarity with SEIU 99 — Strike Dates Announced SEIU 99 members have been working under a contract that expired in 2021 and are among the lowest paid employees in LAUSD — $25,000 a year on average. In December, they declared impasse with the district and in February, SEIU 99 members voted 96% yes to authorize a strike. Today, SEIU Local 99 announced dates for their Three-Day Unfair Practice Charge strike. Tuesday, March 21 Wednesday, March 22 Thursday, March 23 A strong contract for SEIU 99 members — who help keep our schools running and students ready to learn — is a win for our schools and communities, and helps us win the contract that we need. UTLA will strike in solidarity and UTLA’s elected leaders are encouraging all 35,000 UTLA educators to join SEIU 99 in a solidarity strike. This is our opportunity to demonstrate our collective power as we push to win our Beyond Recovery contract demands this school year. Carvalho and the district have been dragging their feet in our contract negotiations for TEN MONTHS. But now, our solidarity with SEIU 99 and the threat of both an SEIU 99 strike and a UTLA solidarity strike have pushed Carvalho into panic mode, trying to wrangle any support he can get. On Monday, Carvalho alerted all employees, parents, and the media that he will likely choose to close schools during SEIU 99’s anticipated strike. Reducing the number of days in the school year puts LAUSD at risk of significant financial penalties from the state and, as we saw in October, any changes to the calendar to avoid those financial penalties must be negotiated with UTLA. No more delays. No more deceit. No more disrespect. Carvalho and the district tried to cover up the educator shortage crisis and have continuously stalled and delayed bargaining. They are amassing nearly $5 billion in projected reserves and refuse to invest in us and our students. They refuse to act while we struggle to get by. Standing together with SEIU 99, we will use our collective power to fight for the schools we deserve. Read the updated FAQ for details Tags: Equitable and sustainable access to academic opportunity for all students Equitable and sustainable access to needed technology Equitable School Funding Fully staffed schools through measures that attract and retain educators Healthy, Green Public Schools Safe School Climate Targeted support for students, parents, and our school communities Recent News See All Posts Thousands Hit School Sidewalks for Immigration Rights 05.02.25 California Educator Unions Announce Launch of ‘We Can’t Wait’ Statewide Campaign 05.02.25 Families and Students Demand Action Following Racist Attacks 17.01.25